Qualifications Management Committee

The working group's page on the BCA Website with its documents and minutes can be found here.

Convenor: George Plant

Convenor Email Address: chair.qmc@british-caving.org.uk

Membership: QMC Panel Area Liason officers and representatives from: the CIC Panel, Association of Heads of Outdoor Education Centres, the voluntary sector, the BCA Council/Executive, and the Training Administrator.

Meetings: Meetings as required, usually prior to Council Meetings, arranged by the Chair.

Reports to: the BCA Council at Council Meetings, and annually at Annual General Meetings.

The manages the BCA's award scheme for professional qualifications for outdoor instructors. These include the LCMLA and CIC schemes.

Terms of Reference:

  1. The management of current BCA awards and qualifications including the updating and re-writing of the syllabus, updating training methods and ensuring that the awards reflect to needs of users.
  2. Liaising with the Training Committee on matters of mutual interest.
  3. Liaising with the BCA National Council and Training Committee on matters related to BCA Training Policy.
  4. Representing, within established protocols, matters of training and training process raised by any major incident involving cavers and award holders in association with the Training Officer.
  5. The QMC operates on the basis agreed by the BCA AGM and National Council.

Updated: 26/12/2024 by Aidan Kuhlmann (Secretary)

  • working_groups/qualifications_management.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/12/26 21:13
  • by aidan