Working Groups

Working Groups are dealt with by Article 6.10 of the Constitution. They are set up by BCA Council, which should determine their terms of reference.

Each Working Group should have a Convenor who will chair and direct the actions and discussions of the Working Group. Convenors will be appointed by the Council. Should a working group be without a convenor then the Executive will lead the group until a Convenor is appointed.

Working Groups should ensure their Terms of Reference are published on the BCA's website.

Working Groups should report to Council in writing at each meeting.

Their continued operation and Convenors, together with a review of their remit, shall take place annually at the Council meeting that immediately the AGM.

Current Working Groups are:

Note: The Finance Committee is not considered a Working Group and its operation is dealt with separately.

Formally adopted at 2012 AGM. Last review: 11/06/12 Updated by Aidan Kuhlmann (Secretary) 26/12/2024

  • working_groups/start.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/12/26 23:24
  • by aidan