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Council Members

Council is made up of the following voting Officers and Representatives:

Executive (3): Chairman (Les Williams), Treasurer (Howard Jones), Secretary (Robin Weare)

Standing-Committee Chairmen(5): Conservation & Access Officer (Andrew Hinde), Equipment & Techniques Officer (Mark Sims), Publications & Information Officer (post vacant), Training Officer (Nigel Atkins), Youth Development Officer (Rostam Namaghi)

Regional Council Reps (5): Cambrian CC (Stuart France), CNCC (Tim Allen), CSCC (Alan Butcher), DCA (Jenny Potts) and DCUC (David Jean).

Constituent Body Reps (8): ACI (Stephan Natynczuk), ASCT (Tony Radmall), BCRA (John Gunn), BCRC (Emma Porter), CDG (Claire Cohen), CHECC (David Botcherby), NAMHO (Steve Holding), WPCST (Richard Vooght)

Club Representatives (4): David Cooke, Bernie Woodley, Idris Williams & John Hine

Individual Member Representatives (4): Mark Richardson, Will Burn, Louise Baddeley & Andrew McLeod

In addition the following members are invited to meetings and encouraged to take part in all discussions, but do not hold a formal vote:

Working Party Convenors (4): Cave Registry (David Cooke), IT (David Cooke), Crow (David Rose), QMC (Juliet Parker-Smith), Vision (Hellie Adams)

Appointed Others (12): Rope-Test Officer (Bob Mehew), Newsletter Editor David Rose), Webmaster (David Cooke), Web Services Officer (David Cooke), Insurance Manager (Howard Jones), Library Rep (Jenny Potts), UIS Rep (Andy Eavis), FSE Rep (Ged Campion), Media-Liaison (Andy Eavis), Safeguarding (Chris Boardman), Membership Administrator (Wendy Williams), Training Administrator (Mary Wilde)

It should be noted that, although an individual is free to represent more than one Group, no one individual is entitled to more than one vote.

Formally adopted at 2012 AGM. Last review: 27/06/18

  • council/members.1578933790.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2020/01/13 16:43
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