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council:members [2012/06/11 07:48] damiancouncil:members [2020/01/21 21:25] (current) matt
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 ====== Council Members ====== ====== Council Members ======
-Council is made up of the following voting Officers and Representatives: 
-**Executive (3):** Chairman (Andy Eavis), Treasurer (Paul Ibberson), Secretary (Damian Weare)+Council is made up of the following voting Officers and Representatives. These should form part of the BCA’s Council mailing list and should receive all BCA Council circulars including meeting notifications. 
 +Chair, Treasurer and Secretary
-**Standing-Committee Chairmen(5):** Conservation & Access Officer (Elsie Little)Equipment & Techniques Officer (Nick Williams), Legal & Insurance Officer (David Judson), Publications Information Officer (Les Williams)Training Officer (Nigel Ball)+**Standing-Committee Chairs (aka Officers):**  
 +Conservation & Access Officer (C&A) 
 +Equipment & Techniques Officer (E&T) 
 +Youth and Development Officer (Y&D  
 +Training Officer
-**Regional Council Reps (5):** Cambrian CC (Mike McCombe), CNCC //(position vacant)//, CSCC (Mark Williams), DCA (Jenny Potts) and DCUC (David Jean).+**Other Officers (without Committees):** 
 +Publications and Information Officer
-**Constituent Body Reps (8):** ACI (Stephan Natynczuk)ASCT (Idris Williams), BCRA (Dave Checkley), BCRC (Emma Porter), CDG (David Brock), CHECC (Helen Brooke), NAMHO (Steve Holding), WPCST (Alan Finch)+**Regional Council Reps:** 
 +Regional Councils should appoint a representative to BCA Council. It is recommended that this is done as soon as possible after each AGM. A regular representative is shown on the website contacts page. If the usual named representative is unable to attend a Council meetingan alternative representative may take their place. It is the responsibility of the named representative to find a replacement should they not be able to attend and to ensure any relevant documents are passed on.
-**Club Representatives (4):** Boyd Potts, Owen Clark, Emma Porter & Bernie Woodley+**Regional Councils currently include:**
-**Individual Member Representatives (3):** Mick Day, David Cooke, Faye Litherland plus 1 position vacant +  - Cambrian Caving Council 
----- +  Council of Northern Caving Clubs 
-In addition the following members are invited to meetings and encouraged to take part in all discussions, but do not hold a formal vote:+  Council of Southern Caving Clubs 
 +  Derbyshire Caving Association 
 +  - Devon and Cornwall Underground Council
-**Working Party Convenors (3):** Cave Registry (David Cooke)IT (David Cooke), 2016 (Les Williams)+**Constituent Body Reps:**  
 +Constituent Bodies should appoint a representative to BCA Council. It is recommended that this is done as soon as possible after each AGM. A regular representative is shown on the website contacts page. If the usual named representative is unable to attend a Council meetingan alternative representative may take their place. It is the responsibility of the named representative to find a replacement should they not be able to attend and to ensure any relevant documents are passed on.
-**Appointed Others (16):** Rope-Test Officer (Bob Mehew)Newsletter Editor //(position vacant)//, Handbook Editor (Damian Weare), Webmaster (Les Williams)Web Services Officer (David Cooke)Insurance Manager (Nick Williams), Library Rep (Dave Checkley), UIS Rep (Andy Eavis), FSE Rep (Ged Campion), Media-Liaison(Chris Jewell), Child-Protection (David Judson), Publication Sales (Jenny Potts), Youth & Development (Helen Brooke), Radon (Clark Friend) Membership Administrator (Glenn Jones), Training Administrator (Mary Wilde) +**Constituent bodies currently include:** 
----- + 
-**It should be noted that, although an individual is free to represent more than one Group, no one individual is entitled to more than one vote.**+  - William Pengelly Cave Studies Trust 
 +  - Association of Caving Instructors 
 +  - National Caving Scout Active Support Unit  
 +  - British Cave Research Association 
 +  - National Association of Mining History Organisations 
 +  - Council of Higher Education Caving Clubs 
 +  - Cave Diving Group 
 +  - British Cave Rescue Council 
 +**Group Representatives:** 
 +Up to four representatives of groups/clubs (two-year terms). Current post-holders are listed on the website contacts page. 
 +**Individual Member Representatives:**  
 +Up to four representatives of individual members (two-year terms). Current post-holders are listed on the website contacts page. 
 +The above positions are all voting (hence currently 29 voting positions available). In addition, the following members are invited to meetings and encouraged to take part in all discussions, but do not hold a formal vote on BCA Council:  
 +**Working Party Convenors:**  
 +Currently these include:  
 +  - Cave Registry 
 +  - IT (Information Technology) 
 +  - CRoW (Countryside Rights of Way)  
 +  - QMC (Qualifications Management Committee) 
 +  - Radon 
 +  - Vision 
 +**Other appointed positions:** 
 +Currently there include:  
 +  - Rope-Test Officer (Appointed by Council on recommendation of E&T Officer) 
 +  - Newsletter Editor (Appointed by Council on recommendation of P&I Officer) 
 +  - Webmaster (Appointed by Council on recommendation of P&I Officer) 
 +  - Web Services Officer (Appointed by Council on recommendation of P&I Officer) 
 +  - Insurance Manager 
 +  - British Caving Library Rep 
 +  - UIS Rep 
 +  - FSE Rep 
 +  - Media-Liaison Officer 
 +  - Safeguarding Officer 
 +  - Membership Administrator 
 +  - Training Administrator  
 +It should be noted that, although an individual is free to represent more than one Group, no one individual is entitled to more than one vote. 
 ---- ----
-//Formally adopted at 2012 AGM. Last review: 11/06/12//+//Formally adopted at January 2020 Council Meeting. Last review: 11/01/20//
  • council/members.1339400881.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2020/01/13 16:43
  • (external edit)